Wednesday, October 27, 2010

United Nations subservient to NATO in Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD: The change of guard in the top hierarchy of the United Nations in Afghanistan has visibly brought the policies of the international body into subservience to the US and NATO in the country.

Unlike in the past when the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) had a strong role in Afghanistan’s strategic and geopolitical affairs, the international body presently has nothing more than a titular presence in Afghanistan.

The arrival of Steffan Di Mistura in Afghanistan as UNAMA Chief in March this year had brought a major shift in its strategy that is seen as a deviation from opposition to subordination in the policy line of UN Afghanistan towards NATO and US.

Former UNAMA Chief Kai Eide had strongly opposed the US policy to encourage India in Afghanistan. Eide, being himself the architect of the peace process with Taliban although he had categorically disapproved of the inclusion of terrorist groups and banned foreign militant leaders, except Taliban, in Afghanistan's peace process. 
Kai Eide had introduced the idea of involving Afghanistan's immediate neighbours - Pakistan and Iran - for the redressal of the Afghan crisis....

US, Israel conclude four-day Juniper Falcon exercise

Simulation tests the level of coordination between the two countries in the event of future conflicts

[T]he IDF and United States Military concluded a four-day-long simulation exercise called Juniper Falcon on Friday which tested the level of coordination between the two countries in the event of future conflicts.

The exercise is part of a long standing agreement between the US and Israel to hold bilateral training exercises on a regular basis....

'This is an important part of our ability to operate in different scenarios at sea, on the ground and in the air,'IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi said during a visit to the base where the exercise was held. 'œIt emphasizes the deep, intimate relations between us and the United States when facing mutual enemies....I get the impression that officers from both sides feel these improvements and that we have interoperable capabilities,†he added.

The Israeli team was headed by Brig.-Gen. (res.) Nizan Nuriel, who also serves as head of the National Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Bureau. The American side was led by Maj.-Gen. Craig Gourley, who serves as an assistant to the commander of the US Air Force in Europe.

“The real purpose of this exercise is to make sure that in real time, if necessary, we will be well trained and fully prepared, Nuriel said. 'We know it's about friendship, brotherhood and these kinds of exercises can create this level of relationship that in real time may be needed.