Tuesday, August 30, 2011

11-11-11 Farfetched Day For PRU13?

The Malaysian political scene is abuzz with a possible snap polls in November 2011. Many people are arguing over the date of the next poll but as usual it is the exclusive prerogative of the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Rajak.
However, there are rumors that the 13th General Elections will be held well before 2012 - which is the target date suggested by Tun Mahathir Mohamad the former PM of Malaysia - while some formerly staunch Anwar Ibrahim allies are pushing the Barisan National (BN) to ordain the elections ASAP.
After the BN flop on the Bersih movement on the 9th of July this year, a flop that has boosted the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) image and destroyed the carefully planned 'poster' image of Najib Razak, the focus is now on the Sodomy 2 case. The Sodomy 2, much like Sodomy One, is an attack on Anwar Ibrahim who is accused of having sodomised a Malaysian boy though doctors insist there were no penetration in the anus of the said victim.
It is obvious that the BN is now in a fix with the sodomy case since everybody is saying that Anwar Ibrahim, the leader of the opposition, will be jailed unfairly and that will dent the BN's image once again. The question is whether the BN can sustain a double rattling of its already shallow portray in the mind of the masses? Anwar behind bars will surely boost the opposition leader's appeal and will send the BN into troubled waters in a snap poll.
Hence the former staunch ally now turned potential coup leader against Anwar Ibrahim is now urging the PM to quickly organize the snap polls before 2012 in order achieve the unthinkable: Beat the Pakatan Rakyat with its pants down while it is still squabbling over seats allocation among its partners and defeat Anwar Ibrahim before he goes to jail and become the obvious potential PM of the country!
In a laconic take in Malaysia-Today.net, Raja Petra Kamarudin made it clear that he would want the PM to organize the elections before 2012, a date when Anwar is supposed to be going to jail for the 'fake' sodomy.
This could be the peak of the anti-Anwar Ibrahim movement within the Pakatan itself, a movement that started with the Bersih 2.0. The Bersih 2.0 was to be a fist in the face of Anwar by the organizers who would have then told Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan that a fresh leader is rising to lead the PR to power and that Anwar could go and rot in jail.
But the tactic used by the BN in curbing on the 'yellow' T-shirts promoted by the Bersih group (which is a group that claims to be outside the PR and independent altogether thus rejecting Anwar's leadership) resulted in Anwar Ibrahim gaining politically instead.
The beating of Anwar's personal body guard and the fact that Anwar had to be hospitalized during the Bersih demonstrations turned him into the hero of the day on 9th July and this much to the displeasure of the detractors within the PR. It was also clear that the Bersih movement wanted to hijack the Pakatan's popularity index with the 'yellow' T-shirt and that the BN failed to 'read' what was really going on within the Bersih and the Pakatan at that time.
It was not a surprise at all that after the Bersih 'flop' for the BN and the Bersih promoters themselves, Malaysia-Today.net and its satellite websites were buzzing with stories about who would replace Anwar Ibrahim and that Tungku Razaleigh Hamza were approached by the PR to replace Anwar!
Now the anti-Anwar grouping within the Bersih and Pakatan are pushing Najib to organize a snap poll that they believe will 'kill' Anwar Ibrahim for good with a BN unexpected victory.
Perhaps they will once again face another flop if the polls are organized on the 11th of November 2011 (11-11-11) as rumored and Anwar Ibrahim may rise as the new PM of Malaysia...after all, the polls are supposed to be 'clean' in Malaysia and that is what 'Bersih' means, that is 'clean'!