Friday, November 19, 2010

Malaysia Heading For Snap Polls amid 'Islamic state' squabble

Malaysia is heading for snap polls amid a controversy about the 'Islamic state' 
and a perceived return of popularity for the Barisan National (BN). In the midst 
of these indicators, don't forget to see the pace of roads being asphalted and 
the aggressive manner the pro-BN press is hammering Anwar Ibrahim together with 
the recent turmoil that shook the Party Keadilaan Rakyat (PKR).

In military circles, it is hinted that snap polls are for next year and it will 
be announced right after the breaking-ground activities of a multitude of 
'development' and 'construction' projects by the Prime Minister, Najib Tun 

In the mean time, the government is taking heed of the advice from Tun Mahathir 
Mohamad, our former PM that the opposition is in disarray and has lost its 
glitter hence the ruling party can take advantage of that situation along with 
the rise of the 'Perkasa' to form a not so powerful regime after the elections. 

According to Tun Mahathir, the ruling coalition can re-gain at least two states 
from the Pakatan opposition. In his own words however, he said that 'maybe Najib 
can win back 'one' or two states', which is a coherent form of 'uncertainty' by 
the former PM himself. 

 On the other hand, Abdullah Badawi said it was an 'insult' as he was asked to 
comment on a statement by Anwar that he considered it an insult when countries 
hailed Malaysia as a modern Islamic nation. This piece of crap from Bernama does 
not explain anything except that there is confusion in the 'editorial' boards of 
the National news organization's way of writing news pieces!

What it had to mean was that Abdullah Badawi, trying to play a bigger role in 
the upcoming elections - remember he is still an MP at Kepala Batas - is saying 
that Anwar insulted Malaysia when he told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that it 
was something like ridiculous for Malaysia to be seen as a 'modern' Islamic 
state since Malaysia was not an 'Islamic state'.

The question that was making havoc in 2007, whether Malaysia is an 'Islamic 
state' or not, is back. This time Anwar Ibrahim is accused of insulting 
Malaysia. Lets take the issue to task for a minute. If Malaysia was an Islamic 
state, it would have directed all 'rape', sodomy, wife beating, stealing and 
other cases to the 'Syariah courts' as there would be no need for Muslims to be 
tried in non-Islamic courts for that matter.

Then if that was the case, the second sodomy saga against Anwar Ibrahim would 
have to be brought to the Syariah courts, not to the high courts! And the 
threats of putting Anwar Ibrahim behind bars for 20 years would have vanished 
just like that since under the Syariah, the prosecution and the accusers need 4 
witnesses to 'prove' that they saw Anwar Ibrahim in the act - which is not the 
case since there are no four witnesses.

Or is it possible that in a 'Modern' Islamic state, the Syariah courts are 
substituted for political reasons by the 'conventional' British inherited 
courts? The answer to this question is vital but we do not have the answer here 
so we leave it to the political mavericks to battle hard on it!

Nevertheless, Malaysia is heading for polls amid the controversy that 'Allah' 
cannot be used by non-Malays and the fact that people who were once patting in 
'muddy waters' are accusing Anwar Ibrahim of 'heresy.

Among other facts, the Bernama insisted that Anwar Ibrahim made his statement on 
the 'Islamic state' because he was trying to 'regain' international support 
after 'supposedly' being dropped by Hilary Clinton on the 'sodomy' issue. Now we 
know who are the real 'friends' of Hilary Clinton, that is if it is not Anwar 
Ibrahim, then who else than BN?