Tuesday, January 4, 2011

For the sake of Malaysian democracy, PAS should join BN

Ali Cordoba, Riau, Indonesia -

News reports on blogs and portals in Malaysia are stating the possible restart of Pas-Umno talk.
One portal even suggested that a meeting between Nik Aziz Nik Mat with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and that was probably the start of fresh talks between the two parties.
The Islamic Party has been linked to talks with the Umno for sometime now. As a matter of fact, it was Wfol.tv, then known as Worldfutures.info that revealed the existence of talks between the PAS and the Umno on the formation of an 'Islamic Alliance' in order to ensure the Malays would not lose their political clout in the country. Weeks after the article was published on Malaysia-Today, the pro-Umno/PAS members decided a-long with the Umno leaders, to come out with their story of talks in public.
They also revealed that they were talking to Umno to salvage Malay supremacy in the country.
We were not wrong at all and trust me, on the current situation too we will not be wrong!
The PAS has to leave the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and has to take steps to join the Umno in the Barisan National (BN) regime.
The reason why I am saying this is the Islamic party has a moral responsibility to ensure that the democratic system is not violated with their putting one foot in the ruling coalition and the other foot in the Opposition.
This is already a gross violation of the trust that both the ruling coalition and the opposition coalition has put in the PAS leadership.
In a marriage like the one we have in the opposition in Malaysia, the PAS is playing the role of the ungrateful and the cheating 'wife' to the partner.This is not what the populace that has voted for the Pakatan expects from an Islamic formation that has made its mark in local politics for decades.
The people, including people in the ruling coalition, would expect more trustworthyness and frankness from a formation that claims to be Islamic but is not doing an Islamic job with its cheating abilities. On top of that, they are also violating the democratic standards by which the Opposition is sealed together.
In order to avoid a total backlash, the PAS has to make their move and stop rolling the 'gasing' on the floor. In otherwords, go and join the Barisan National now before it is too late both for the 'Ketuanan Melayu' or for the PAS itself.
As for the PR, I believe life will go on certainly with the advent of the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) headed by Raja Petra Kamarudin the rebel Prince from Malaysia.The MCLM will provide enough candidates to replace the PAS candidates and even if they have only 30 candidates, that will be sufficient to help the PKR and the DAP (Democratic Action Party) in the upcoming polls.
The PR should not fear the absence of the PAS as for sure the PAS will have to break into two distinguished forces before it joins the Umno.
There is no for the pro-PR members of the PAS to follow the pro-Umno leaders in their quest for fame and glory as Ministers of the Cabinet under the BN.
To be fair to these leaders, they have waited long enough and they have battled hard enough for them to be greeted well by the Umno and the BN and to be given serious roles in the government in Putrajaya. It is their choice and this choice must be respected as they will have to respect the choice of those within the PAS who would want to create PAS-B and stick to the PR. The anti-Umno PAS elements could also simply join the Party Keadilaan Rakyat (PKR) thus consolidating the 'Malay' input of the PKR and giving it an unexpected boost among City Malays and Kampung folks altogether.
There is no gain without pain and the pain will be to lose PAS in the process. Yet if the PKR and DAP are strong and vibrant formations, they should simply work their way within the PAS base with the pure intent to break the PAS into two distinguish groups, the pro-Umno and the pro-PR groups and to secure the support of the MP's and YB's etc who would not want to join the BN. If this is done ala-Francaise by the PKR and DAP - that is bravely - then we can rest assured the state of Selangor will not fall that easily in the hands of the Umno as there will still be a vital majority to keep the state into the hands of the PR.
Penang too will be less affected though the situation may be different in Kedah or Kelantan but this too will depend on how many of the PAS YB's will jump the boat to join the BN, which may not be that crucial afterall if the PR does its 'divide and rule' job well in breaking the PAS in two!