Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Japan-US sabotaging Kunashiri Island Peace

Amber Chye

The US once again tried to play the role of the police of the World when it unilaterally backed Japan in the recent dispute the former World War 2 aggressor has with Russia. 
U.S. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said on Monday that the United States backs Japan on its islands dispute with Russia.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Monday morning visited Kunashiri Island, one of the Russian-held islands also claimed by Japan. 
Medvedev becomes the first leader from Russia or the former Soviet Union to travel to any of the disputed islands, which are called the Northern Territories in Japan and the Southern Kurils in Russia.

The visit has sparked strong reaction from Japan. Upon Medvedev 's arrival on the island, Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara summoned Russian ambassador to lodge a protest against the visit. 
The four disputed Pacific islands were occupied by the Soviet troops in 1945 and are currently under Russian control.

Russia and Japan have long been at odds due to the territorial dispute over these islands, which has blocked a peace treaty between the two countries since the end of World War II.
Japan was one of the main aggressor's that started World War 2. It committed numerous crimes against the people of the Asia-Pacific rim and was only defeated after the US bombarded it with Atomic bombs, and this while Russian troops landed in the disputed Islands to occupy them until now.

Japan has always followed the American lead in smashing all hopes for a peace treaty with the Russians on the Islands and now with the US beefing up Japan's foreign policy and military power - which is a terrible mistake by the US as Japan can easily be turned into an aggressor nation again with much damage to the world - the Japanese are once again sabotaging all peace efforts.

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