Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nalla, Ezam, Zul crying wolf form the wolf's den!

Malaysia's political scene is very murky, dirty and filled with backstabbing. This is nothing new but in the recent days, we witnessed the anti-Anwar Ibrahim bashing from a 'triumvirate' of former pro-Anwar Ibrahim preachers that left a very noxious feeling.

The non-stop bashing of Anwar Ibrahim by the three stooges who were formerly clinging to Anwar's neck is not surprising at all. They left Anwar to join the cohorts of anti-Anwar campaigners with the sole aim to cause suffering to the opposition leader and to destroy (at least attempt) the opposition. Their campaign is however causing more people to hate the ruling coalition instead and this will be proven in the near future indeed.

What the strategic planners of the Barisan National (BN) are not taking into consideration is that the daily attacks on Anwar is making the opposition leader into a household name in Malaysia – as if he was not already – but a household name that the BN cannot do without to the extent that the BN propaganda machinery has to invent stories and bring stooges to talk about him!

The fact remains that the Nalla, the Ezam and the Zul are crying wolf about Anwar and Anwar's attempt at becoming the next Prime Minister of Malaysia, which is the legitimate right of any Malaysian (Malay) politician. These stooges have the perfect idea that they will never be in a position to be the Prime Ministers of Malaysia hence their jealousy that Anwar is in the right place to be on top sooner or later!

The other thing is they have failed though to realize that they are crying wolf right from the very den of the wolves itself and they expect the sane people of the country to believe their cries. The story goes that when the real wolf come for the one who cried wolf too much too early, no body will believe them and they will be the ones who will be swallowed by the wolves!

The pitiful thing is that all three of them seem to have lost their souls and have no qualms in carrying out their daily harping about Anwar.

Now, with the Zaid Ibrahim episode which will surely end in Zaid Ibrahim being kicked out of the party Keadilaan, we can see the strategy of the BN clearly. The three were calling for Anwar to leave the political scene, to retire from politics. Today it is Zaid who is calling on Anwar to resign as leader of the party. This smells the rotten fish of local politics.

How is it that Zaid suddenly joins the gang of goons and clowns by calling on his leader, the man without whom the PKR would be inexistant, to quit the leadership of the party unless it is a clear attempt at overthrowing Anwar from his party?

Well, the dots are now connected and now that we know where the wolve's den is, we also know why Zaid is doing what he is doing...and this is what I am hearing from my visits to cafe's and restaurants!

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