Friday, December 3, 2010

Malaysia Elections; BN to loose more seats than ever before

Many people are expressing their views that the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) won many seats in 2008 due to voter apathy or voter disgust with BN and not voter's love or support for Pakatan's policies and leaders. To me this is pure crap as the very main reason for the BN to have lost that many seats in 2008 is simply due 
to the fact that it overstayed its role as a government while the Opposition under Anwar Ibrahim offered the most glamorous alternative ever in Malaysian political history.
Had the Malaysians voted against BN due to apathy and disgust, does it mean the Malaysian voters are without soul that they just vote against their 'favorite' 
BN? I believe that as long as their is a choice to make, the people are free to make that choice and take steps for that and they decided to vote PR because PR 
had more glamor than BN's old stories...
I think that is more plausible an 
explanation as I myself I expected 
PR to win more than 60 seats in 2008 and they did better than that! Malaysian
observers has very little expertise (ah let alone the pro-BN blogger community)on how to understand, foresee and even predict a mass defeat of the BN. They were taken by surprise by the results in 2008 and this even shocked Tun Mahathir who wake up everyday thinking he has control of every single thing in Malaysia. 
The shock was so great that 
it was felt in many 'Malaysian' communities abroad altogether and officials in foreign nations were flabbergasted by the massive push by the Opposition lead by Anwar Ibrahim - who by the way was not a candidate in that elections. These officials, bloggers and party leaders failed or simply refused to accept that it was Anwar's role during the campaign period that had crushed the BN and almost sunk the Umno.
Today, they are 
still living in this denial as they are contemplating a massive victory in the 
next General Elections.
Well let me tell you what will happen in the next G.E. and this with or without 
the support of bloggers and activists like Raja Petra or others: 

As for 2011 or 2012, I can foresee PR making more gains than 2008 but that does not mean they will win the Elections overall. However, I believe firmly that BN will lose more seats than ever before in its history and PR will be that close to take power, thus forcing an almost hung Parliament - which will be the first time in Malaysia's History - and this will also mean a possible Gov of National 
Unity or the collapse of BN!

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